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Announce: Return to Mysterious Island available on Big Fish Games!

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All the adventure games I’ve seen on BFG before were older ones or simpler ones like the Nancy Drew series; so when I logged on this morning and saw Return to Mysterious Island, I was quite pleasantly surprised.

I picked this one off the shelf when it was new, and it was definitely a pretty good adventure game. It had great puzzles, a unique inventory system (which is used in all the newer games by the same developer), a survival meter which isn’t often seen in adventure games, and a lot of great puzzles. There are multiple ways to solve puzzles, which is definitely a plus.

It’s a bit short, and the story a bit sparse, but definitely a lot here to keep an adventure gamer occupied. If you’re a Gameclub member, this game’s a must buy!

Written by Sally

August 26, 2007 at 10:06 am

2 Responses

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  1. First, love this site. Thanks for all of your hard work. I’m an amateur gamer and these types of games are right up my alley.

    For RtoMI though, I can’t for the life of me, figure out how to use the objects. ie, how do I use a coconut to smash the crabs, or how do I open an egg to eat it? What am I missing?



    August 27, 2007 at 7:47 am

  2. I didn’t categorize this under “casual” games because it falls more into the adventure gamer category.

    Eggs, I believe you can just eat on their own, but they are pretty nice if you cook them first.

    As for “how to use” an item, RtMi uses a new inventory system that I haven’t seen before. You have to put inventory items in a “preparation area” in the middle of the inventory, and it’ll show “?” when it’s missing something. Once you figure out what’s missing, you can drag those into the ? signs, and it’ll produce an “end product” that you can use.

    If you need extensive help, there is a walkthrough over at Gameboomers.com


    August 27, 2007 at 11:26 am

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